Wednesday, June 15, 2016

In the first place, let us characterize otherworldliness

Full Documentary In the first place, let us characterize otherworldliness. Fundamentally, otherworldliness in its actual and commendable shape identifies with the Science of Energies; their gathering, transmuting and transmitting by each named showed structure. It alludes to the undetectable Causes behind the universe of Effects. Next, it should be comprehended that while examining energies, we are alluding to the entire scope of energies having an effect on our planet; from the close planetary system, from different planets and from the different Constellations, and by expansion, on every human substance through its chakra focuses. It is to be comprehended that every human substance, by similarity, is a "getting set," much like a radio or T.V. Human substances are "focuses" for gathering these various energies; much like the various transformer stations found in any expansive city. By relationship can the imperceptible be made noticeable. Otherworldliness requests of its followers a character sufficiently free to stand beside the masses, and a willful control that is enduring in its position; and is never to be considered pointlessly.


The extent to which every element can "enlist," or be mindful of, the different vitality impactions relies on his or her level of advanced cognizance. (What number of "channels" can is he or she responsive to or know about?) For clarity, the main contrast between a savage, who capacities at an Instinctual level, and a normal human element, who capacities at a relative Intellectual level, and a Saint, who capacities at an Intuitive level, alluded to as Christ Consciousness, is the level of capable receptivity of the accepting substance. Every human element contrasts in his or her level of responsive vitality cognizance, albeit "mass brain research" has a leveling impact. Our standard I.Q. tests are based upon various degrees of picked up learning, yet their real defect is that they are worried with amassed information of the Materialistic world. The higher the awareness the clearer would we be able to understand the relative Truths of Life. The entire reason for human development on this planet is the slow extension of human substance and human gathering awareness. (It's just plain obvious, for instance, A Study in Consciousness, Annie Besant, (, 1915.) All human agony, enduring, wretchedness, ailments and "passings" are because of the individual element recognizing itself with the objects of the amazing scene; the real obstruction to a Higher Life. Every single material thing are worldly, short lived, mortal, vaporous, for the most part futile in finding our profound natures, and end with physical substantial demise, while all thing otherworldly are endless, everlasting, eternal, and can be brought with us to higher domains after physical passing and even be recollected in our character qualities in our next resurrections.

Our individual levels of cognizance relies on upon a few variables: our family, national and racial legacy; our own particular individual "legacy" from already lived incarnations on this planet; our earned position, by cognizant exertion, on the "developmental curve," or, as communicated in our Bible, on our "Arrival to the House of the Father." Our Higher Selves, the Hermaphroditic Monad, at first plummeted into Matter from higher planes or measurements of our close planetary system; this drop is alluded to as the "Involutional bend." Having "touched base" at the nadir, or least, most gross and materialistic plane of our Cosmic Physical Plane, the least plane of any nearby planetary group, we are presently climbing on the "Transformative circular segment," as we pick up in Spiritual mindfulness, ideally, with each new physical incarnation. Note: Reincarnation and karma are the two fundamental or foundational idea s of the Occult Sciences. It is comprehended our western acumen generally denies these Logoic Truths, however as one Initiate states it: derision or refusal does not change the Truths of Life. Over the Cosmic Physical Plane are different planes, for example, Cosmic Astral plane and Cosmic Mental plane, and so on; there being seven planes and seven sub-planes on each of these Cosmic planes. They are typically portrayed as vertical in plan however in fact they are seven in addition to seven spirals of spilling energies which interpenetrate each other; picture a mandala. The more mystery is fathomed the more extensive and comprehensive it shows up, since ALL IS ONE. Our nearby planetary group is a UNITY of LIFE in movement, and each showed structure is a little part of that WHOLENESS. Our impression of being isolated elements is the "Incomparable Illusion" in otherworldliness.


As per otherworldliness, ALL IS ENERGY, and there is only vitality in our nearby planetary group; the assorted showed shapes in our close planetary system are all cognizant living substances, epitomizing different levels of vitality. There is one and only CONSCIOUSNESS; that of the sun powered Logos, yet separates inside each showed element. It is the inestimable obligation of every human element to intentionally raise his or her own level of cognizance, bit by bit, through genuine and consistent reflection on things Spiritual. Instinct, or Christ Consciousness, for instance, is the wellspring of Direct Knowledge; that is, learning that comes to us in a glimmer from above, and requires no words or images or mental understandings to get it. This has reference to reality that words and human scholarly builds just shading and confound our understandings of materialistic wonders. Genuine Wisdom can just originate from "Intuiting grandiose truths." And instinct originates from WITHIN the individual substance who has accomplished this level of cognizance, and not from any source outside the Self, which is the essential Cause behind the numerous scholarly misrepresentations evoked by our present day researchers and "seekers of truth," utilizing "material realities," and a Francis Bacon, exoteric, observational, Scientific Method of exploration in attempting to find the tricky truths of Life, Existence, and our Purpose on this planet; by utilization of the faculties and the constraints of the human mind. What they are focusing on are the Effects, the unmistakable world, and never getting a handle on the imperceptible universe of Causes behind the Effects. This is additionally valid for our restorative practices, where the side effects get the consideration, yet once in a while the real Causes behind the indications. The acknowledged translations of present day science misdirect whatever is left of humankind, which looks to them for direction concerning what to think, and serve as blockages to a superior comprehension of Life and Consciousness and the genuine way of a human element, which is Divine in its pith; the "God Within." ALL Form presence is the Spirit of our sun based Logos in unmistakable sign; our nearby planetary group and all it contains.

Words are hard to attempt and express the apparent disconnected, convoluted, esoteric and hard to imagine the ideas of the Occult Sciences, from the perspective of a genuine Materialist; yet once the fundamental Principles are comprehended, they are easy to grasp, are steady all through, and sufficiently simple to clarify, as exemplified in this paper. It is less demanding for researchers to just prevent the presence from securing any larger amounts of close planetary system cognizance and to focus on the a great deal more well known materialistic, robotic worldview way to deal with looking for exploratory "truths." Also, the adapted language and commonly rehashed and recreated builds in the different "investigative" foundations permit researchers to take after the "line of slightest resistance," in their reasoning.

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