Friday, October 28, 2016

In the same way as other things

history of the world In the same way as other things: the sustenance business, the therapeutic pharmaceutical foundation, the standard media… the tip top corporate/broker concealed controllers have additionally institutionalized the instruction framework through financing. For instance, numerous years back in the USA, much cash was filled training by the Rockefeller made National Education Association with the assistance of the Carnegie Foundation and later on the Ford Foundation and this was not done out of the generosity of their souls. - The aftereffect of the endeavors of such associations can be seen overall today in the genuine motivation behind the training framework which is to show kids and youngsters:

1. Adjustment to power figures.

2. Acknowledgment that "truth" and what is "genuine" originates from power.

3. Compensate originates from precise memory review from substantial redundancy.

4. Rebelliousness will be rebuffed.

Along these lines, the genuine motivation behind the training framework is to develop congruity and deny basic contemplating anything of genuine significance.

Beginning at 4 years of age (and what could be a superior age to begin a mass teaching) then when an individual leaves the instruction framework, around 12 years in addition to on, they would have had more than what's coming to them of programming and mentally conditioning, not able to truly think for themselves. - As Einstein said, 'genuine deduction is to think the unbelievable.' Any honest to goodness outside-of-the-case thinking having huge compassionate or mother Earth amicable advantage, if sought after, may well be disregarded, subdued, scorned or smothered by the impact of those concealed controllers on the off chance that it is seen as a risk to any of their organizations:

Unsung Heroes

Here's a rundown of only some of history's genuinely awesome compassionate outside-of-the-crate masterminds with their creative thoughts/items that have never possessed the capacity to see the light of day because of the above reasons. I wager you never considered these 'forbidden subjects' in your formal instruction preparing:

Raymond Rife and his Universal Microscope for curing malignancy.

After effectively curing malignancy patients, the Rockefeller claimed American Medical Association later had this work set down to rest by shutting down Rife's set ups.

Nikola Tesla

Wardenclyffe Tower sans project vitality. Because of undermining the cost of the traditional power matrix framework, Tesla's subsidizing was halted. His gear and lab was burned to the ground.

Linus Pauling

'Bound together Theory' cure for coronary illness. Because of more prominent interests in corporate benefit and saw money related danger, this exceedingly fruitful modest option treatment has not been permitted that much consideration.

Adam Trombly

Free vitality dynamo.

Demonstrated free vitality by getting to electrical power from air, however never permitted to see the light of day...

Wilhelm Reich-Cloud blasting and climate control.

Again this workable system for delivering precipitation mists for yield water system in dry spell territories was ceased by those ever vigilant toadies for the concealed corporate/investor controllers.

Permitting something like this could prompt to nourishment plenitude and extraordinarily add to closure world yearning. In any case, the controllers don't need world craving to end. On the off chance that this happened it would make it more hard to control these individuals in what might never again be underdeveloped nations... Keep in mind, their concealed subjugation plan.

In this way, basically, the corporate based instruction framework with its precisely chose educational module secretively serves to obstruct or cripple genuine human development.

The corporate subsidized instruction foundation simply needs you to fit into the framework. This is absolutely steady with the Pink Floyd melody 'All things considered, you're simply one more block in the divider.' Those people most modified and mentally programmed by the training framework are probably going to be more fruitful than others. Take for instance, at prospective employee meetings. Having a more noteworthy corporate attitude will probably land the position than others: This "outlook" resounds with questioners of comparative air...

On the subject, too-enormous for-their-boots-enterprises are heartless voracity machines with every one of the signs of an insane person. Try not to be betrayed by the audacity, they think almost no about the planet and the general population on it. Coldly, to the organizations a worker is only an asset, close to a bit of office gear, similarly nonessential, consequently the office human 'assets'. To the partnerships, 'profiting' doesn't exist in their vocabulary. By what method would it be able to perhaps exist when it's not in their considerations?

There is such a great amount of destitution on the planet: A billion people living on a dollar or less a day, generally every 5 to 7 seconds a tyke kicks the bucket of hunger… Ultimately, this is a consequence of the enterprise's absence of speculation. - I diverge.

We are living in a corporatocracy; a corporate run and controlled world. Given that the Presidents and Prime Ministers, i.e. most senior lawmakers are not in energy to serve the general population, they are eventually there to do the deeds of the corporate plan, then it completely makes sense that the instruction powers serve to take after corporate mandates.

Sifting In Academia

Deliberately observed by the controllers throughout the years, scholarly organizations have shown science with some real suppositions. These suspicions are like never before accepting difficulties scrutinizing their legitimacy. Be that as it may, anybody in the scholarly world who sets out to genuinely challenge the official teaching; strolls too far from the white line set around the powers, representing a noteworthy danger to the foundation's iron-clad convictions, then they could end up getting demonstrated the entryway. For sure, this has happened some time recently.

Here are the presumptions in science that have gotten some genuine difficulties

1. Darwin's Theory of advancement as a clarification for the root of life.

2. Human development is around 5000 years of age.

3. Louis Pasteur and the Disease Theory.

4. In material science it is said that awareness is separate from our physical world.

5. The space between things is just vacancy.

All false, I say! I will expound on this in later messages. - All noteworthy difficulties to the above 5 things get little consideration in the scholarly world or predominant press: This sort of sifting, whether it's in science; not giving the entire picture, or with some other subject, is done as a major aspect of an arrangement by the controllers to keep us in obliviousness, deceived and in a 'no development' circumstance.

The higher up in the scholarly community, the more particular and hence more blinkered a man gets to be. These people might be uninformed of the full picture and unmindful of the certainties that repudiate the authority built up line. Lamentably, these individuals, for example, the old fart teachers, rather than having a receptive outlook and ability to see past their restricted convictions, teachings... they tend to rather presumptuously guard themselves and ride roughshod on the individuals who set out to challenge.

The Solutions

Don't aimlessly acknowledge what the powers let you know or any other person. Rather than acting like visually impaired slaves, accepting you're free and very taught, as Einstein said, don't quit addressing. When you are happy with what you have found and in the event that it is distinctive to the official line, have the boldness and respectability to talk up, spread the news. As more individuals get to be mindful of the smothered learning in the scholarly community and the advantages it could convey to society, there will be more prominent odds of these discoveries getting followed up on: There are such things as free vitality and fruitful cures for a wide range of ailments... They have been about for some, numerous years.

Presently the ball is in your court. Try not to take my assertion on anything I've said, begin addressing.

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