Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Here's my framework of why the idea of 'old space

Discovery Channel Documentary Here's my framework of why the idea of 'old space explorers' isn't one that ought to be promptly rejected by researchers and scholastics without due thought to the accompanying.

Sensible HYPOTHESIS: There exist mechanically propelled extraterrestrial civic establishments well ahead of time of human development with the ways and intends to strikingly go. Whether it is ten or ten thousand such ET human advancements is of no outcome for the situation that takes after.

Actuality: There is nothing in the laws, standards and connections of material science that could counteract intensely going interstellar space travel.

Actuality: The time it would take any one mechanically progressed ET human progress to investigate, even colonize, the Milky Way Galaxy (our world) at subluminal speeds is yet a little portion of the age of our universe.

Sensible HYPOTHESIS: Artificially astute tests can be the pioneers reporting back to their organic bosses (expecting the natural ET elements are truth be told still the experts and not the post-natural advancement handover to AI).

Sensible HYPOTHESIS: It is far less demanding to strikingly go in the event that you are a psyche in-the-machine than if you need to drag your natural body in the interest of personal entertainment which requires broad and costly life supporting base.

Sensible HYPOTHESIS: The Third Rock from the Sun (Planet Earth) has been noted, logged, inventoried, and analyzed (maybe on a progressing premise) by one or a greater amount of these strongly going innovatively progressed ET civic establishments.

Sensible HYPOTHESIS: That we are exceptionally unrealistic to have been the (fortunate) era living amid the season of the primary disclosure of Planet Earth by ET. Likelihood directs that such a first disclosure happened quite a while prior, maybe in our inaccessible, even ancient past, if not even path before that, yet from that minute, however far back it was, ET may have then kept up a continuous nearness in our inestimable neighborhood.

Sensible HYPOTHESIS: Planet Earth would hold an uncommon enthusiasm to an ETI since 1) Planet Earth has a biosphere - a grandiose irregularity, and 2) the notions of indigenous clever life blending.

Theoretical HYPOTHESIS: Planet Earth may have been seen by ET as an enormous regular Petri dish and gave ET an opportunity to do natural, behavioral and sociological experimentation on a terrific scale that fixated on no less than three viewpoints: 1) making a smart species through manufactured choice and hereditary building; 2) transporting the different species so made into contrasting situations to test for survival and flexibility and in this manner relative insight; and 3) increasing that survival and versatility test by giving different "endowments" to the developing species (like flame, agribusiness, and so forth.). Most species fizzled their going through the survival and versatility labyrinth and went terminated; a couple did sensibly well, at any rate for some time (like Homo erectus and the Neanderthals) before going wiped out; one species, Homo sapiens is running the labyrinth effectively - at any rate in this way.

Certainty: In backing of the above theoretical speculation, we take note of those oft specified lost developments and forsook settlements and urban areas. Betrayed or surrendered urban areas appear to be a successive subject in prehistoric studies and the reasons are frequently a long way from being obvious and any insightful clarifications generally dubious. There are people groups and societies and social orders who arrive all of a sudden, apparently out of the blue, and wind up vanishing into apparently thin air, if not down a Black Hole, at some point further on down the track. It's nearly as though they had landed out of the ether and lifted off again in the wake of having set up a nearness, proof they abandoned. The Olmecs are an a valid example.

Reality: Ancient human mythologies from around the globe have a typical subject that a portion of the obviously fanciful substances have a humanoid however non-human appearance like the Cyclopes, different winged humanoid creatures (like the Greek goddess Nike or the Egyptian goddess Maat), different half breed creatures (like the Birdmen of Easter Island or the winged men of old Mesopotamia) in addition to various non-physical showing up life shapes that are regularly cross breeds, (for example, the griffin or the mythical serpent).

Certainty: Ancient human mythologies from around the globe, all way of varying social orders and societies, additionally have a typical subject of sky divine beings, divine/glorious creatures, star individuals, and related.

Truth: The basic component here is that these were not sightings of sky divine beings and goddesses at a separation, however very close experiences, be it God and Jonah or God and Moses; blessed messengers and Abraham; Jesus and his supporters; Zeus and Europa; Paris up against Hera, Aphrodite and Athena; and so on stories of close experiences that have sifted down from all antiquated societies and social orders.

Truth: Ancient human mythologies from around the globe have a typical subject that these substances have truly propelled high advancements, similar to Thor's sledge; Zeus' thunderbolts; Poseidon's trident; Hades' intangibility protective cap; Odin's lance, Hermes' winged footwear, the enchantment wand of Circe, and so on. They additionally have elevated vehicles as noted in the Bible and in different writings from around the globe.

Certainty: There are no deficiencies of exceedingly confounding antiquated structures the world over (aside from Australia) that either have 1) no clear conceivable pattern or known reason for existing (like those regularly gigantic stone balls) and/or 2) would have utilized innovations we quite recently don't/can't connect with their proprietors and/or 3) are even credited by their proprietors to non-human sources (like the Cyclopean Walls) and/or 4) or which were transported by non-human sources and means (like those Easter Island statues that strolled without anyone else's input), or all in all over-the-top structures that required an uncommon measure of time and exertion, apparently way out of extent to the requirement for them, and along these lines subtracting from time accessible for all the more caring for more essential needs like sustenance (chasing, gathering, working the fields), asylum, guard, and making and repairing garments). I'm supposing here like the pyramids (Egyptian and Mesoamerican); monoliths, Stonehenge (and numerous other comparative stone monuments); enormous statues (Egyptian, Asian, significantly Easter Island) and other rock carvings; those monstrous earthen hills of eastern North America, and so on.

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