Monday, May 30, 2016

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Discovery Channel 2016 National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an autonomous office of the United States government that is in charge of flight and spaceflight observing. NASA does a variety of things including making satellites that helps researchers take in more about Earth, the Solar System and even past. NASA tests into space even send people to the moon and Mars. They share their revelations to edify individuals about the present improvements in space and in Earth as far as air travel.

As of late, there had been a considerable measure of disputable inquiries went for NASA about the anticipated sun powered and Earth disaster on 2012. This calamity is said to be brought about by the planet called Nibiru or Planet X that will go on the Earth's surface and will bring about polar movements, tremors, tsunamis, extreme flooding, meteor fire storms, volcanic ejections and so forth.

The inquiries began upon the disclosure of a Sumerian old tablet written in cuneiform specifying the guide of the world and every planet's exact size and position. Sumerian human advancement is the most seasoned on earth and as indicated by the hypothesis of Zecharia Sitchin they are the relatives of Anunnaki, the divine forces of Nibiru. Zecharia Sitchin has dedicated his life on examining antiquated human advancements and interpreting old writings, cuneiforms and earth tablets. As indicated by the old messages, the last time that Nibiru passed the Earth's surface it brought on The Great Flood that happened around 11,000BC which brought about the elimination of all living thing on earth.

In any case, as indicated by NASA cosmologists, there is no debilitating space rock that is going to pass Earth on 2012. The last enormous effect was 65 million years prior that prompted the termination of dinosaurs however it won't happen with Nibiru or Planet X on 2012. Despite the fact that Earth had dependably been a planet that is liable to sways by comets and space rocks, the chance is exceptionally uncommon. NASA cosmologists are conveying a reconnaissance called Spaceguard Survey to watch the universe and locate any substantial space rocks close Earth before it hits us. They have confirmed that there are no undermining space rocks sufficiently extensive to bring about gigantic disasters on Earth particularly on 2012.

On the case about the approaching doomsday on 2012, NASA addresses the nearness of science to demonstrate that the hypothesis is likely. There is none, and for every anecdotal statement written in books, films and in the web, NASA won't change their perspectives around a requirement for investigative proof.

Still, the Sumerians are shrewd individuals who are known for their exact numerical computation of the items in the universe. They existed and survived hundreds of years before advanced science was concocted. Their presence without advanced science is recorded and their forecast for the future can't be disregarded as plain unimportant. A portion of the learning that advanced science applies now are results of the antiquated's exploration and information, in somehow. At last, it can't be denied that the past characterized our human advancement today.

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