Saturday, August 20, 2016

A lady goes to her specialist for a mammogram

Documnetary History Channel A lady goes to her specialist for a mammogram. The test uncovers a destructive tumor yet her specialist chooses not to advise her. Two weeks prior 71 year old tenor Luciano Pavorotti was recording a collection of religious tunes when he went to the healing center with a fever. Tests uncovered a malignant tumor on his pancreas. Imagine a scenario where his specialists had concluded that he would not have possessed the capacity to endure the news. By what means would we be able to endure the news diluted for us by the standard media like CNN and Christiane Amanpour's God's Warriors? The world is pitching towards the elimination of life on earth perpetually in atomic world war 3 driven there by our reality religions which expressly preclude world peace and charge and reward genocide with extraordinary prizes for mass homicide on the planet to come, however your standard media does not believe you to know this.

How would you take care of an issue when you don't know what the issue is? How would you tackle an issue like Maria? Why does the standard media 6 years after 9/11 keep on hiding the way that both the Koran and Hadith obviously and expressly charge the genocide of each Christian, Jew and non Muslim on Earth for interminable heaven in Heaven with God of Mount Sinai, completely clear streams, 72 virgins for every saint and devotee, unending wine with no reactions and 80,000 workers for every saint and adherent? Why does your standard media not believe you to know this? How does Luciano Pavorotti have surgery to expel a dangerous tumor on his pancreas when he doesn't realize that it's there?

Is the standard media reluctant to let the cat out of the bag on your reality religions inspired by a paranoid fear of backlash? Is your standard media possessed by religious individuals who are concealing the disdain discourse within their Bibles? As Marvin Gaye asked, "What's Going On?" Why does CNN and Christiane Amanpour burn through 8 months setting up God's Warriors to disclose to us the foundation of the religious clash immersing the world and let us know that Islamic viciousness is conferred just by a little rate of Muslims who have a wild interpreation of Islam? The Koran says, "Make War upon the Christians and the Jews. Do fight with them. Murder the heathens, the non Muslims wherever ye should discover them. Assault them and lay sit tight for them with each sort of snare. The adherents might be compensated with unceasing heaven in Heaven with God of Mount Sinai, completely clear springs, trees clad with organic product, amplified shade, streaming waters, 72 virgins and 80,000 workers. The non Muslims might endure pestilential winds and singing water and live in a hot dark smoke." (Koran, Sura, Chapter 9:5, 29-30, Chapter 56, and the Hadith).

Is the standard media anxious that if the Muslims knew what their religion ordered of them that they would quickly run out and butcher all non Muslims? Is the standard media anxious that if the Christians knew what Islam would all say all was about that the Christians would quickly run out and execute each Muslim? To conceal truly like stating that exclusive a little rate of golfers with a wild elucidation of the guidelines of golf are punished for hitting their ball into a water risk. Islam restricts peace and charges genocide with awesome everlasting prizes for mass homicide and suicide shelling in this lifetime. 6 years after 9/11 this ought to be regular information in each evaluation one class.

Reality might set you free in the event that you know reality and make a move to redress the issue. Christianity started 2,000 years back and from that point forward has been spread by the sword in the Crusades, the 300 year probe, the slaughters and brought about the Holocaust, "The War Against the Jews". The New Testament says that when Jesus Christ returns he will arrange the Christian individuals to toss every one of the 4 billion non Christian men, ladies and youngsters into the flame to blaze alive on the grounds that they are all demons. (Matthew 13:36-43). CNN and Christiane Amanpour in God's Warriors burned through two hours inspecting God's Christian Warriors and never said the endless entries in the Christian Bible directing the butcher of non adherents. Rather they burned through two hours talking about fetus removal and gay marriage.

3 years prior George Bush openly reported a Crusade. The Crusades were 1,000 years prior when the Pope walked his Christian Army crosswise over Europe slaughtering each Jew in their way until they recovered the Holy Land and stood knee somewhere down in Muslim blood. So far George Bush has vanquished Muslim Afghanistan and Iraq, and is currently ready to hit Iran with weapons of mass decimation. George Bush hopes to be met in Jeruslaem and praised by Jesus Christ for overcoming the world for Christianity and after that raptured into interminable heaven with God of Mount Sinai since he read this in his Bible.

Hymn 2 of the Old Testament of Judaism depicts how the Messiah will take a bar of iron and crush each non Jew like a potter's mud vessel and overcome the world for the Jewish individuals. At the point when Christianity embraced the Old Testament they transformed it to the Messiah will execute the greater part of the Heathens, the non Christians, and vanquish the world for Christianity. This is called phony. At the point when Islam received the Old Testament they transformed it to the savior will slaughter each unbeliever non Muslim and overcome the world for Islam. This was a fraud of a falsification.

This is only the tip of the chunk of ice. On their 10 page site The Temple of Love otherwise known as The World Peace Religion uncovers the cause and the arrangement (as indicated by God of Mount Sinai, otherwise known as God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim, Hashem and your sound judgment) for the overall religious clash now driving all of us into the overall inferno of atomic world war 3 and the elimination of life on earth always in its result atomic winter then ultraviolent summer, which God of Mount Sinai clarified through each and every Biblical Prophet of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, particularly Jesus Christ, the anticipated Jewish conceived Messiah of Christianity and Islam. In spite of the fact that The Temple of Love is generally known on the web today, 2 years after its establishing, the standard media has never said it. On the off chance that they won't let you know the issue, then in what manner would you be able to anticipate that them will demonstrate to you the arrangement?

We have turned out to be too innovatively progressed for war. Each atomic researcher realizes that atomic world war 3 will have zero survivors. To keep the looming atomic world war 3, The Temple of Love site should promptly be made obligatory perusing and its connection must be set in each classroom, standard daily paper, TV channel, radio station, blog, myspace, Facebook and site on earth. This is the manner by which you can spare the world. Admonished is forearmed. Let us not run down like ostriches with our heads covered in the sand. Your God's answer for your issues is straightforward. Go read what your God's answer is presently while regardless we have time. Coincidentally, Luciano Pavorotti is doing fine two weeks after his specialists expelled the carcinogenic tumor from his pancreas. Presently let us take after the charge of our God of Mount Sinai and expel the growth of disdain from our religions. Go perceive how. It's basic once you see.

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