Thursday, August 4, 2016

In life, there are victors and failures

WW2 Documentary In life, there are victors and failures. However, individuals will attempt to improve each other feel by saying, "Great, you put forth a valiant effort," or "Well, in any event you didn't surrender." But the reality of the situation is that (1) There are victors and failures; there's not a "practically champ" class for second place. (2) Society puts the attention a lot on winning substantial things rather than elusive things. We as individuals have regard and offer our profound respect to victors. On the off chance that amid life we learn lessons of winning and losing, what happens after death? Does the lesson of winning and losing proceed? Who stands to win in the fight for your spirit?

I specify demise for some have talked and asserted that, since they are a decent individual, they don't feel they will spend forever in Hell in light of their "great deeds" amid life. They are mixed up. God spared you by his exceptional support when you accepted. Also, you can't assume praise for this; it is a blessing from God. Salvation is not a prize for the great things we have done, so none of us can brag about it. (Ephesians 2: 8-9) as it were they lose. The Bible obviously expresses that Jesus is the way, reality, and the life. No man can get to the Father with the exception of through Christ. Unfortunately, there is a sure doctrine which educates the complete inverse. Have you ever considered when you are enticed to accomplish something incorrectly, other than yourself who stands to benefit/advantage? At the point when giving into allurement, you sin and Romans 6:23 unmistakably states, "for the wages reward of wrongdoing is demise, however the endowment of God is endless life through Jesus Christ." Divine equity is under commitment to give heathens their wages. (Dakes Annotated Bible)

Is it true that you are mindful that the seducer, Satan, utilizes your psyche as a battleground to motivate you to fall into his trap of allurement? Be it corruption, contamination, obscenity, heathen worship, witchcraft, ill will, strife, desire, outrage, childishness, jealousy, inebriation, or frolicking; Satan insidiously utilizes these evil devices as instruments for your spirit's definitive demolition. It is difficult to stop a propensity that might be negative to one's wellbeing. When you need to stop, you may feel this staggering impulse to do what you know not wrong, when in the meantime you wish you had the determination to make the right decision. For the goals of the substance are against the Holy Spirit, and the wishes of the Spirit are against the tissue (heathen human instinct); for these are hostile to each other (persistently withstanding and in strife with each other), so you are not free but rather are kept from doing what you longing to do. (Galatians 5:17)

Evangelist, Joyce Myers offers a strategy to stop the yearning of habit: "Don't bolster your allurement (tissue)! Keep it out from you." Please know that it will be PAINFUL. For the smoker: no more cigarettes. For the medication someone who is addicted: no more medications. For the heavy drinkers: no more alcohol. At the point when your body is wanting the fixation, you have to substitute something for it. Wash your mouth out and drink a few glasses of water to flush the longing out of your framework. A deadly oversight is opposing the wicked propensities in your own quality versus depending on the Lord. Succumbing to allurement just gives the tissue delight. To place it in a superior point of view, your tissue will come back to tidy once you withdraw this life, yet your soul - wherever it might go Heaven or Hell- - will live for time everlasting. Keep in mind joys of the substance will keep going for a season.

All things being equal, there are just champs and washouts with regards to where your spirit will spend forever. You will win endless life by opposing enticements and tolerating Christ as your Lord and Savior. You will lose and Satan will win if your spirit spends endlessness in Hell. There has been a consistent fight seething following the very beginning for every man's spirit. You are here, and now have the chance to try and out the playing field between your fragile living creature and soul. Perused the Word; don't permit your tissue to beat your soul. You control your fate. Ask yourself, do you wish to be on the triumphant side? Watch and supplicate, that ye enter not into enticement: the soul in reality is willing, but rather the substance is powerless. (Matthew 26:41)

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